not so much...but...是什么意思 您所在的位置:网站首页 be ashamed of是什么意思 not so much...but...是什么意思

not so much...but...是什么意思

2023-11-20 03:07| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

同意English expert的解答。其实,这等同于not so much...as句式。

1.not so much A as B = not so much A, but B = less A than B = more B than A = B rather than A。如:

Experience shows that success is not so much due to ability as to zeal. 经验表明,成功与其说是由于能力,毋宁说是由于热忱。

= Experience shows that success is not so much due to ability, but to zeal. (but前常有逗号)

= Experience shows that success is less due to ability than to zeal.

= Experience shows that success is more due to zeal than to ability.

= Experience shows that success is due to zeal rather than to ability. 

2. 如果so much...as句型中的so much与not分离而去和as连用(即构成not A so much as B),意义完全一样。如:

It is not so much advice as approval that he seeks. 他所追求的不是忠告,而是赞赏。

= It is not advice so much as approval that he seeks. 

▲not so much as...“连……也不”,意义同not even。如:

I have not so much as heard his name. 我连他的名字也不曾听说过。

He had not so much as his fare home. 他甚至连回家的路费都没有。






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